How to create a typing virus in computer 2019

Hello guys today im going to show how to create a virus(not exactly) which hacks the computer keyboard and types continuously what we typed. so lets not waste time and jump into it.

           Create a new text file

          Copy this code:

set x=wscript.createobject ("") do wscript.sleep 100 x.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}" x.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}" x.sendkeys "I am a virus " x.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}" loop

Just save that file as .vbs extension
              Example: Hack.vbs

Thats it when you open this .vbs file your computer starts behaving abnormally,and when you open the note pad it automatically types "I am a virus" which we have coded in the script.

NOTE: Inorder to change the word "Iam a virus" and keep your name or words just replace the text and tpye yours.

Warning: The virus gets executed for infinity times inorder to stop the virus just restart your computer by clicking CTRL+ALT+DEL

OR you can close the task from task manager

This blog is for educational purpose only... Author is not responsible for any activities
How to create a typing virus in computer 2019 How to create a typing virus in computer 2019 Reviewed by Valkyre on September 09, 2019 Rating: 5

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