How to Learn Programming Languages Like Python easily (fun)

Hello guys welcome back! Myself Valkyre I'm glad here to meet you all guys.

If anyone is eager to explore programming languages or want to become professional in it and still have no idea what to do? then you have came to the right place.

Most commonly used programming languages in 2019 are,




4) C++

5) C#


7) R

8) PHP

9) SQL

10) GO

BUt to master all these programming languages is very tough and may be its impossible. So try to learn at least 2 or 3 programming languages clearly. The concepts for all programming languages are same but they may differ only in syntax,compiler speed etc. 

so try to learn all the concepts clearly which is pretty much enough as a beginner programmer. 

Now without wasting time lets get into the topic.The most effective way to learn python is by;

1.Programming Hero:

                                Programming hero is a android app which is used to learn python in an attractive,interactive manner.

This app gives all the informations about python,and even its gives real world examples about all programming concepts,which makes us to learn better.

It also teaches all the algorithms like linear search,binary search sorting algorithms like bubble sort,insertion sort,selection sort.

Programming hero also have the sections called galaxies namely;

1) Basic concepts

2) Fundamentals

3) Code playground

4) Build Game

5) Data Structure

6) OOP

7) Algorithm

The cool function of Programing hero is that it has a seperate coding area called code playground in which we can able to code ourselfs and test the codes. 
This is very surprise that it has a code playground in less than 30 mb app.

Another cool specification is The Programmer Hero also teaches us how to make games and it gives code and make us to develop games which is not done by anyother apps in android play store.

To encourage us and make us learn better it also has mini games which are funner and effective means to learn.

This app has a forum section in which any doubts can be asked.So i think Programing hero is the best app to learn python.

Much more cool specifications are there in this app, so dont wait download right now.

To download Programming Hero latest version click here Download

Other cool apps to learn programming;

Solo learn - Download

Encode - Download

Udacity - Download

Code Hub - Download

Programming Hub - Download

                 Thanks for watching patiently guys!!!

How to Learn Programming Languages Like Python easily (fun) How to Learn Programming Languages Like Python easily (fun) Reviewed by Valkyre on September 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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